Anola Fellowship Chapel
Anola Fellowship Chapel is a affiliated with the Evangelical Mennonite Conference.
In 1958 the Blumenort Evangelical Church (Blumenort, MB) sent 5 young ladies to the Anola area to teach Daily Vacation Bible School. For several summers, Vacation Bible School classes were taught in the small one and two room schools of Anola, McDavid, Queensvalley and Uppingham.
In 1961 the Blumenort Church asked Bernard and Edna Wiebe to facilitate regular Sunday School classes in the Anola School which was located at the church’s current location on Monominto Road. The Sunday School classes were held seasonally, with a break during the winter months.
As interest in the community grew, church services were scheduled. Melvin Penner travelled from Blumenort to minister to the adults once a month, and later twice a month.
In 1965 the Anola School District consolidated several small schools. The school building was moved away. The Blumenort Church purchased the land and built a 30’x40’ building suitable for Sunday School and worship services. David Friesen became the first pastor of the congregation in 1977. During his time at AFC, the chapel was granted autonomy (1979) and became a charter church of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference.
In 1979 the original building was enlarged by an addition and renovations which saw a new foyer and basement added. In the winter of 2000-2001 a 4000 square foot addition was built bringing the building to its current capacity. The auditorium seats up to 200 people or converts to a banquet area with the chairs re-arranged and tables set up. For events such as Vacation Bible School, the chairs can be removed to provide indoor space for the children’s lessons and activities.
Although the building and the people’s faces have changed over the years, the Anola Fellowship Chapel continues to teach the Holy Bible to everyone, young and old; seeking to share the love of God with our community.
Pastor - Currently searching
Interim Pastor - Darcy Sproule
Phone: 204-392-0949
Youth Leader - Peter Feer
Phone: 204-266-2763
Board Chairman - Derek Kroeker
Phone: 204-345-3068
Education Committee Co-Chairs- Irina Feer and Marilyn Bouw
Pioneer Club Coordinator - Marilyn Bouw
Phone: 204-866-3707
Worship Coordinator - Anna Damert
Phone: 204-755-2340
Statement of Faith
The Bible: We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God and that it gives authoritative direction for our faith and conduct (II Timothy 3:16-17)
God: We believe in one eternal God who has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Spirit. The Scriptures teach us to pray to God as our Father, to trust in the son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Saviour, and to follow the leading of the Spirit who is with us. All persons in this trinity are fully and equally God (Matthew 6:9, II Peter 3:18, John 14:16)
Creation: We believe God created everything as revealed in Scripture (Genesis 1, 2)
The Dignity of the Human Race: We believe God created people in His own image and that all human life is sacred (Genesis 1:26,27)
The Fall of the Human Race: We believe our first parents chose disobedience and that the whole human race has followed them in their sin (Romans 3:23)
Satan: We believe Satan is a personal spirit being who opposes God and is the inspirer of all that is evil (Matthew 4:1-11)
Salvation: We believe that since Jesus Christ has atoned for all sin by His death, all people may now be saved by grace through their faith in Him (Ephesians 2:1-10)
Discipleship: We believe that a commitment to Christ means being willing to follow Him in a life of discipleship (I Peter 2:13-14)
The Life of Peace: We believe that the teachings and example of Christ call us to a life of nonviolence and a ministry of peace in this world (Matthew 5)
The Church: We believe that all who trust in Jesus Christ are united with His body, the church, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:13)
Ordinances: We believe Christ has given us three ordinances - water baptism, the Lord's Supper, and footwashing - and that these should be observed by the church as symbolic reminders of spiritual truths (Matthew 28:18-20, I Corinthians 11:20-32, John 13:1-17)
The Resurrection: We believe Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and that all people will be raised as well, either to life or to condemnation (John 5:29)
The Return and Final Triumph of Christ: We believe in the personal return of Christ to gather His own, judge all people, defeat death, and triumph over all evil, so that God the Father may again be over all (I Corinthians 15:20-29).
From the 'Statement of Faith' (1994) of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference.